I Get Paid to Do This??

(photo courtsey onthedotcreations.com)

Working in the office today, I realized how lucky…er, blessed I am!  Sure, there are days when I am discouraged, but God uses those times to teach things to me.

One of the favorite things of mine to do is to play and sing with our praise instrumentalistst at church.  Making music with others fills my soul with thankfulness.  Recently, we have been asked to play at many events outside the church.  During these events (including the set-up and tear-down of our equipment) I am blessed to grow with, joke with, and minister with the talented individuals of the church music ministry.  As we play at the events, I can also witness the instrumentalists grow musicall and spiritually.

We are preparing to do a book study in November on “Worship Matters” by Bob Kauflin.  I can’t wait for our time together and our discussion.

Moreover, I was thinking today how blessed I am to be able to plan for ministries and events like handbells, adult choir, youth choir, praise band, and worship.  In addition to that, I am blessed to work with a gifted staff who plays nice and does things outside of church.  Not everyone can say that.  The passion our Youth Pastor has for youth is amazing and evident in the lives of the students.  Our Pastor is truly my Pastor and is blessed by God with the ability to reach people through the Word and clearly communicate it to them.

I am called to the ministry, specifically to the ministry of music and worship.  On top of that, I am fortunate enough to do this every day and get paid for it…

“My heart is filled with thankfulness to Him who reigns above; Whose wisdom is my perfect peace whose ev’ry thought is love.  For every day I have on earth is given by the King.  So I will give my life my all to love and follow Him.”

from “My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness” Getty/Townend (C) 2002 ThankYou Music

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