The Effective Worship Leader

Early on in ministry, I was given some constructive criticism that to be honest sort of offended me.  However I have since learned the value in what was said and God has used it to be a teaching tool and motivator for me to grow as a worship leader.  Here is the comment… “You know,…

Get Real!

I had a few minutes before I needed to leave the house for an appointment, and picked up the Home Life magazine to help pass the time.   The cover promos included the question “Are you a walking contradiction?” Intrigued, I turned to the referenced article and found a confessional little essay entitled “Stripping the Veneer”. …

5 Qualities of A Ministry Mentor

I like to think that I am a mentor to several young people…my kids.  After that, I am probably not anything close to a mentor to anyone – especially anyone in the ministry field. I have some influences: Glenn Armstrong, John Cashion, Doug King, Mark Williams and Matt Pinkston…to name a few.  But, not really…

Ministry Pressures

Yesterday, we were privileged to have a guest blog post from Dr. Chuck Fuller.  In his article, he talked a lot about the expectations and pressures of ministry.  I greatly appreciate his honesty and I know a lot of us can relate.  The fact is that no matter how much you enjoy what you do…

GUEST BLOG POST: Doug King, Beaver Dam Baptist Church

This week at Church Music Today, we welcome a twenty-five year ministry veteran, Doug King as our guest blogger.  Doug recently celebrated his 25th anniversary at Beaver Dam Baptist Church as their Youth Pastor.  Doug was my Youth Pastor and I was recently privileged to serve with his at HBC’s student ministry camp in Logan Valley, MO.…

A Couple Helpful Tips

While Dennis is enjoying the Florida sun this week, he asked me to share about where I get most of my information and resources for ministry. Here a few tips that I hope are helpful. Nothing too profound here…but maybe something you haven’t thought of or a site you may not have used. 1. Friends…